About Meanwood Valley Partnership

In this section you can learn (click each line to navigate to that section):

👉  what we do

👉  who we are

👉  our contitution

👉  our 2021 Annual General Meeting

What does Meanwoood Valley Partnership do?

The objects of the MVP are to protect, preserve, enhance and promote Meanwood and the valley by:

  • building a network of local community groups for the good of local people
  • promoting local community, environmental and business activities
  • helping develop the local facilities and resources.
  • increasing  public awareness and any proposed changes to environs to protect the local environment
  • supporting community  cohesion by providing social activities for all sections of the community .
  • recruiting and encouraging the participation  of people living and working in the area in community activities 
  • working in partnership with other agencies, including Leeds City Council and government agencies to protect and develop the area sustainably and in the interests of the local population.



During the year we organise:

  • the annual Meanwood festival of local events including Celebrate Meanwood which is held at Meanwood Community Centre in August;
  • the Christmas lights switch on in November;
  • Meanwood in Bloom.


  • In 2020 we produced the Love Meanwood Vision for 2030 and are working to carry out  projects in the Heart of Meanwood and along the Meanwood Valley Trail.
  • Greenwood is our group working  to help individuals and businesses act to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Friends of Meanwood Park meets regularly to carry out supervised work to improve Meanwood Park - check out the What's On page on this site.
  • We work with other groups including Meanwood street art and Litter Free Meanwood to support them in various ways.

We  always welcome volunteers to help us run these projects for the community in Meanwood.  If you would like further information please look at read the Love Meanwood Vision, check out the What's On page or contact meanwoodvp@hotmail.com.

Who are we?

MVP Committee members 24-25 [specific posts or responsibilities]


Janet Matthews [Chair]

Vanessa Matthews [Vice Chair; Secretary]

James Craven [Treasurer]

Ry Harris [Festival; Fundraising]

Zachary Green [Festival; Fundraising]

Julie Barrow [Calendar competition; Fundraising]

Rachel Ramsden [Christmas lights]

Mina Said-Allsopp [Business liaison]

Andrew Omond  [Greenwood, Love Meanwood social media]

John Nelthorp [Heart of Meanwood junction]

Our Constitution

(click image to read/download)

Our 2021 Annual General Meeting

(click image to read/download)

the website of Meanwood Valley Partnership

Find out more / Get in touch / Take part.

Social media @lovemeanwood

Festival      @meanwoodfestival

Post your photos of Meanwood on Instagram with the hashtag #lovemeanwood or #meanwoodfestival

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